Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dark Horse Proposal

The "Ronin Revolver" 6-issue mini-series proposal is all set, just needs to be sent out.  I'm hoping that Dark Horse Comics will pick it up, as I like the broad interests and quality of their work very much.  I've also completed sent them a short story last week featuring "the Knight" character called "Under the Crow's Moon" that I hope they'll print in DARK HORSE PRESENTS.
In the meantime, I've completed another few of short stories featuring various Ronin Revolver characters and am gearing up to post them for free on this blog site.  Probably starting in January I'll be posting a new, illustrated short story every two to three weeks.  Some of these shorts will be single issue stories, others will be multiple part stories.  The art is fantastic so far; here's a peek at the rough colors for some of the characters:
Check out Aaron's own blog site.  He does wonderful work.

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