Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Discarded: Ronin Revolver #1

  It's been a little while since I commented on my campaign to make the Ronin Revolver Anthology.  Of late, I've received much interest in the project, in the form of illustrators interested in working on the project with me.  I believe this is in large part to the great concept artwork Aaron McConnell has collaborated on with me.
  So far, other than descriptions of a couple of stories, not much has been put forth on my part to reveal a writing style, or that I'm even capable of writing the stories I'm lobbying to get published.  It's difficult to convey what a project is and whether a person is capable of the writing level needed for the wide range of stories I've planned without revealing the stories themselves.
  In response to this notion of proving myself, I present the rough draft of the first issue I ever produced of Ronin Revolver.  It's part of a mini-series called "The Nanban County Purchase."  I originally wanted to publish this mini-series, and hopefully someday I will, but those goals have since shifted.
  The current goal's to create several short, illustrated stories, available free on the web to both introduce the mythology of the series and the some of the characters involved with the original mini-series.  Two short stories have already been completed, with a third being worked on, hopefully to completion by the end of this week.  I have artists lined up for those stories, but since money is tight, it'll take time for them to be produced.
  If you like the script you see, please think about donating to the site.

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